130 Devonshire Rd
Chorley, PR7 2BY
Mon - Fri: 7.30am - 6.00pm
Sat: 7.30am - 12.00 noon
Back pain

Top tips to prevent back pain whilst wrapping Christmas presents!

  1. Avoid sitting on the floor

Use a counter top or the Ironing board at waist level or the dining room table with a good supportive chair. This ensures you are using your arms rather than your back.

  1. Create a gift wrapping station

Clear off the table and keep, scissors, ribbon, tags, pens and wrapping paper at arm’s length.

Wear comfortable shoes, whilst standing. Do not wrap in bare feet.

Place the roll of paper to back of the counter, so you can pull it towards you as you wrap.

  1. Wrap as you buy

Consider wrapping a few at a time, then you’re not left wrapping all 25 presents at once.

  1. Use Gift bags

Skip the hassle and the back ache. Buy decorative tissue paper and ribbon for a classy wrapped present.

  1. Don’t forget to stretch.

Yes, Stretch. Even with gift wrapping it is important to stretch those muscles and joints. This may help with that pain after wrapping.